

   As you can see, these animals need as much help as possible. After all, we do owe them a favor. It is our fault they are dying. There are so many ways to help. First of all, start by using the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. That will help our enviroment alot. We should all try and reduse global warming as much as possible. You can do that by using less heat and air condition. This saves about more than 2,000 pounds of Carbon Dioxide each year. Try to drive less. Cars are a main source of air pollution. The hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger because of this, and this means global warming will get worse. Also, saving electricity reduces global warming. Try to use the 'off' switch more often. If you're not sitting in a room, then turn the light of that room off. The more energy is saved, the more chance of global warming decreasing, which means the climate change wont be so severe and melt the Arctic so quickly. 
    Another way you can help, is to adopt one of these Arctic animals. All of these animals need to be taken care of because of their destroyed home, they all need food, and some need a new habitat to live in. In order to support organizations that are helping to accomplish this, you can adopt one of these animals. By doing this, you are supporting that animal in particular, and it will get cared by these experts. You can find out more and adopt them at these websites:
- http://www.worldanimalfoundation.homestead.com/
- http://www.careforthewild.com/adoption