The Arctic

      Close your eyes. Now imagine a wide open space of land all covered in sheets of snow, surrounded by frozen seas and ice bergs. Make sure you have a coat and some mittens. You have arrived to the Arctic. This special place is the region around the Earth's North Pole. It is very beautiful and unique. Now, imagine all that snow melting. Imagine the animals that walk on that snow everyday, and leave their footsteps. What will happen to them once it is all gone? Believe it or not, the Arctic is melting at a fast unexpected rate. Due to global warming, the climate has changed, and its affecting the Arctic negatively. Also, the oceans which surround the land have rising temperatures too. This is causing the ice to melt quicker. 
        Even though the Arctic has harsh conditions, it is what many animals call their 'home, sweet home'. Penguins, fish, polar bears, seals, whales, walruses, foxes, wolves, and many more live there. Unfortunately, their home is disappearing. The poor animals have no choice but to just stay there. They can't just hop on a plane and leave. They are stuck there, watching their home melt, all because of us. The main cause of global warming is us. Pollution is very common in our daily lives, and it has caused global warming, which is causing the Arctic to melt. Everyone should help these poor animals survive. There are many ways to help them. You can look at their pictures, find out information about them, and find out how you can help them from dying, and becoming extinct.